Saturday, February 20, 2016

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA


The 2016 NERC will be held at Emmanuel College and is organized by a committee of volunteer study abroad professionals. If you would like to volunteer, please email [email protected] for more information.


This conference is an opportunity for students who have recently returned from studying abroad to reflect on their experience, learn to leverage their international experience for future careers, and explore further international opportunities. This is a great opportunity reach an audience of engaged returnee students who may be interested in:

  • Graduate School
  • International Education Careers
  • Volunteering Abroad
  • Teaching Abroad


Student registration is now open. Registration is $12 in advance, $15 on-site, and $10/student for groups of 10 or more. Register now!


Please consider being an exhibitor at the NERC to support our returned study abroad students. The Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration deadline is January 22, 2016 and includes the following sponsorship levels:

  • Director Sponsor $400
  • Manager Sponsor $250
  • Intern Sponsor $150
  • Keynote Speaker Sponsorship $300
  • Luncheon Sponsorship $200
  • Welcome Table Sponsorship $100