Annual Conference Workshop FAQs
If you have been selected as a workshop trainer at the NAFSA 2018 Annual Conference & Expo, please review the information below. Any additional questions should be directed to Professional Learning Services 1.202.737.3699, or [email protected].
Workshop Basics
When will I find out if my workshop proposal was accepted?
All proposal submitters and lead trainers should have received an e-mail in late November regarding the status of the proposal.
My proposal for a preconference workshop was accepted. What do I do now?
- Contact your workshop trainers so that everyone knows the workshop has been accepted, and review the terms of acceptance (included in the online form) with everyone on the team.
- Submit the online workshop acceptance form by December 23 and keep a copy for your records.
- Watch your e-mail for announcements. You can also find important dates in the Presenting and Training Guide.
- After you submit the online form, e-mail [email protected] with any changes to your workshop team (trainer's name, institution, contact information). Training teams are listed online and continually updated as the conference approaches.
- Start planning! Visit our training guide for suggestions on scheduling conference calls with your team and sharing documents.
How many workshops can I train?
It is the policy of the ACC (Annual Conference Committee) that you may serve as a trainer at no more than one preconference workshop at the annual conference.
Where will my workshop be held?
All workshops will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsyvlania. The location and room number of your workshop will be provided to you before the conference and will also be listed in the online conference planner and the conference program booklet available at the registration desk in the convention center.
When is my workshop?
Preconference workshops will be offered Sunday, May 27-Tuesday, May 29, ending at noon on Tuesday, May 29. The date and time of your workshop is provided on the online workshop acceptance form and in the acceptance notice email. Workshops are scheduled based on room availability and the flow of content. Workshops are only rescheduled in extreme cases.
What audiovisual equipment is available in my room?
Workshop rooms are set up with an LCD projector and screen, flip chart and set of markers, a podium with a microphone, and lavalier microphone or handheld microphones. All screens are set to a 16:9 widescreen ratio, so please ensure your Powerpoint is set accordingly. NAFSA does not provide laptops for PowerPoint presentations. Refer to the copy of your workshop acceptance form to review any additional audiovisual requests you may have made. Note: Requests made after the confirmation form is due may not be honored. Internet access is not provided in workshop rooms.
How will the room be set up?
Workshop rooms will be set with round tables with 8-10 chairs at each, plus a materials table for trainers.
Will there be coffee breaks or lunch provided for workshop participants?
There will be a mid-morning and a mid-afternoon coffee break on Sunday and Monday. There will be a mid-morning coffee break on Tuesday. Lunch is not provided, and coffee will not be available when trainers and participants arrive in the morning. We will provide you with information before the conference on the nearest place to find lunch during the break.
How will my workshop be promoted?
Each workshop is listed in the conference registration brochure and also in the conference program booklet, which every attendee receives on site. Additionally, full workshop descriptions, training teams, and trainer bios are listed on the NAFSA website prior to the conference. We are also planning targeted e-mail promotions from NAFSA's marketing department. You are strongly encouraged to promote your workshop within your own professional network.
Workshop Materials
How many copies of my workshop materials should I create?
It depends on attendance. Maximum registration for most workshops is set at 60 participants. You will receive the count of preregistered participants after the close of online registration in early May. Since participants are able to register for each workshop up until the time the workshop begins, you should add 10-15 percent to this number to accommodate possible on-site registrants. We encourage you to print on both sides of the paper in keeping with NAFSA's green efforts. Note: NAFSA does not normally reimburse color printing. Any color printing will not be reimbursed without prior approval from [email protected].
Can I ship my materials and handouts to the Convention Center?
No. Please ship your materials and handouts to your hotel to pick up upon your arrival. If you need to make copies, there are photocopying centers located within and nearby the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Check with the Hospitality Desk on site.
When I submit my handouts and PowerPoint presentation to NAFSA by the deadline, does that mean that they will be posted online?
No. Workshop materials will not be posted online. Only session handouts will be posted online.
Visit Stanford University's Copyright and Fair Use site for more information.
Registration and Cancellation
I will need a visa to attend the annual conference. Can I get a letter from NAFSA to support my visa application?
Yes, if you need a letter of invitation to obtain a U.S. visa, request your letter before April 30, 2017. Please check with your local U.S. Consulate to allow sufficient time for visa processing. Your request for a letter of invitation to attend the NAFSA Annual Conference does not guarantee you will receive a visa.
Do I need to register for the conference?
If you only wish to participate in the workshop and not take advantage of any of the other conference offerings, you do not need to register for the conference. The preconference workshops take place prior to the conference opening on Tuesday, so it is possible to participate only in a workshop without registering for the conference. We can ensure that you receive a "workshops only" badge so that you may access your workshop room. However, as you may already know, conference registration offers access to many quality programs and networking opportunities. A "workshops only" badge will not allow you entrance to the Expo hall, or any Tuesday afternoon sessions.
I just found out I won't be able to present at my workshop. What do I do?
- Notify the workshop lead trainer and NAFSA staff. E-mail [email protected] with the change as soon as you know about it so that the online trainer listings are up-to-date.
- Work with the workshop lead trainer to find a replacement trainer, if appropriate.
Can I get a list of preregistered workshop participants prior to the workshop?
Yes. The list will be e-mailed to you, including participant e-mail addresses after the early bird deadline on April 13, 2018. You may use this list to contact your participants; for example, to survey their experience level and expectations of the workshop.
What is the role of the workshop registrar?
The volunteer registrars at the NAFSA Annual Conference do not attend the workshop for free. Their role is to scan participants' badges in order to verify that they have registered. The registrar must return the scanner and final participant roster to NAFSA staff.
Is it possible that my workshop could be canceled?
Workshops are subject to cancellation if the minimum number of participants is not reached by the end of early bird registration on April 13, 2018. Please advise your workshop team to make their travel reservations after this date if their travel is dependent upon delivering this training. If the attendance for your workshop is below the minimum, you will be contacted during the week of April 17.
Presentation and Evaluation
What tips can you provide to help with the planning and delivery of my workshop?
Tips and suggestions for successful workshop planning and delivery are posted in the Presenting and Training Guide. Lead trainers will receive periodic e-mails in the months leading up to the conference with links to specific resources to strengthen your workshop.
How will my workshop be evaluated?
Please encourage workshop participants to fill out the online evaluation they will receive from NAFSA. Participants evaluate each workshop online, approximately one week after the conference, giving feedback on the workshop's presentation, objectives, materials, and trainers. In July or August, following the conference, you will receive a detailed report summarizing the initial results of the participant evaluations of your workshop.