2014 Regional Conference
The NAFSA Region II Annual Conference will take place October 14-17, in Tucson, Arizona. Pre-conference workshops will be scheduled for Monday afternoon, October 13, and Tuesday, October 14. Sessions will be held Wednesday, October 15, through Friday morning, October 17. The conference will be held at the Tucson Marriott University Park, right next to the University of Arizona campus. More information will be posted as it becomes available.
Hotel Registration
Tucson Marriott University Park
880 East Second Street, Tucson, AZ
Book by September 11
Reserve online
Conference Schedule and Sessions
- Conference schedule (135kb)
- Session descriptions (245kb)
Book Discussion
This year's Region II book discussion will center on China in Ten Words, personal stories and astute analysis that reveals as never before the world's most populous yet oft-misunderstood nation. Read the book ahead of time, and join us for a discussion at the regional conference on Thursday, October 16, from 12:15 - 2:00 p.m. (lunch expense not included).
Special Events and Tucson

- October 15: Restaurant hop on historic Congress Boulevard
- October 16: Taco buffet and live music at La Cocina
- October 17: Day trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
- Download a PDF of the special event calendar. (572kb
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