Scholarship/Travel Grant for Regions III & VII
Participating in NAFSA regional or national conferences and events provides an opportunity to acquire and exchange information and is also an excellent way to begin building a personal network of contacts in the field of international education. This year Regions III & VII are pleased to host our first bi-regional conference in Puerto Rico. Both regions will be offering opportunities to seek financial support to attend this year’s historic conference. Please read the information below and follow the instructions carefully to ensure your application is given full consideration.
Scholarship/Grant Information
NAFSA Region III & Region VII are pleased to award a limited number of Glenn Freeman First-Timer Scholarships and Region VII Travel Grants to individuals attending the NAFSA Bi-Regional Conference.
Award Amounts & Parameters
Region III | Region VII |
Reimbursement Procedures
Awards will be made on a reimbursement basis. Scholarship recipients will be contacted by their regional representative listed on this form with details regarding the reimbursement process. In order to be eligible for reimbursement, recipients will:
- Need to register for the conference by the Early Bird Registration deadline.
- Be required to stay in the official conference hotel.
Awards will be made based upon the following criteria and are listed in order of priority. Special consideration will be given to the classifications/statuses listed below.
The strength of the following documents:
Region III | Region VII |
One or more of the following participant statuses:
Region III | Region VII |
Application Procedures for Both Regions
- Complete the Online Bi-Regional Scholarship/Travel Grant Application.
- Write a statement of objectives and attach it to the application form online. This statement should address the following:
- The nature of your professional or volunteer work in the field of international education.
- Your reasons for attending the conference.
- Any relevant financial difficulties facing your office/institution (Region VII only).
- How your attendance will benefit your institution and the students with whom you work.
- If you are a community volunteer, please also describe your organization and list some of its programs/activities.
- If you are a student presenting at the Region III & VII bi-regional conference, please list the session title(s) and the topic(s) you will be addressing.
- Provide a letter of recommendation from your supervisor (or if you are a student, from your international student adviser or study abroad adviser). This letter should comment on your involvement with international education and how attendance at the conference will assist in your work.
- Provide a current resume/CV. The resume should include your current position including a description of your responsibilities.
- Submit the application form and all attachments online by July 16, 2012.
Questions should be directed to:
Region III Samanthia Slaight, Past ChairRetired/Int’l Student Services North Lake College 1801 Vassar Dr. Richardson, TX 75081 Phone: 214.507.6140 Email: [email protected] |
Region VII Leigh Poole, Chair-ElectInternational Student Life University of Georgia 210 Memorial Hall Athens, GA 30602-3108 Phone: 706.542.5867 Fax: 706.583.0006 Email: [email protected] |
Applications must be received by July 16, 2012 so that Regions III & VIII have the opportunity to make decisions in time for recipients to register prior to the early bird registration deadline.
All recipients from both regions will be recognized at the newcomer’s orientation, NAFSA regional business meetings, and in the conference brochure (as space is available).