Term: January 1 - December 31 (follow by one year term as conference chair; total commitment of two years)

Appointment: By chair stream

Qualifications: NAFSA member working in the area of international education

Job Description: The Regional conference chair-elect will work closely primarily with the conference chair, but also the regional chair stream and the regional team on the planning, organization, and implementation of the annual regional conference.

General responsibilities include:  

  • Shadow the conference chair in the planning and implementation of the regional conference.
  • Participate in regional team meetings to learn about conference planning interests
  • Attend and participate in the following events (costs covered by region and or National)
    • the Region XI Annual Conference
    • Region XI Leadership Team meetings
    • Attend if possible the Annual NAFSA National Conference (costs not covered) 
  • Specific conference duties will include shadowing the conference chair by observing and providing input as requested and able into all planning activities, including:
  • Assisting the team in determining appropriate venues for future years’ conferences
  • Ensuring the current year’s hotel contract (as arranged by NAFSA Headquarters) and conference insurance policies are in place
  • Coordinating Team sub-committees on conference planning, including Exhibitors, Publications, Job Registry
  • Updating the region, through the region’s website and list-serv on the upcoming conference information and registration materials
  • Soliciting session proposals from regional members and colleagues
  • Arranging the schedule of sessions selected by the Team, including rooms and AV/tech needs
  • Editing and posting the conference registration sheet and hotel reservation information on the regional website, and notifying the region through the list-serv
  • Serve as the principal contact for Palisades, and for Conference registration issues
  • Serve as principal trouble-shooter and problem-solver for conference attendees, presenters and exhibitors
  • Serve as principal contact with the hotel conference representative
  • Communicating and coordinating with the Local Arrangements Committee from the hosting State, to ensure the managing, distribution and collection of session evaluation forms; set-up and implementation of the hospitality table; local restaurant hops; travel and tourism information on the local area and attractions; local directions and transportation info.
  • Write up the post-conference report and submit to NAFSA Headquarters within three weeks following the end of the fall conference
  • Maintaining records, including the conference training manual