Leadership Team Expectations
Communicate with the regional constituents and fellow team members about areas of responsibility; disseminate knowledge, news, and updates from the national level to regional constituents; let NAFSA central know of issues or concerns that are important to constituents; provide feedback; liaise at the state level; stay current on issues and communicate updates to those concerned; be an advocate for international education.
Provide leadership to the region by participating in the team meetings, team e-mail discussions and communicating with appropriate constituents; help to develop a shared vision for the region; be trustworthy and reliable; be enthusiastic and engaged in the efforts of the team and the region; be ethical (I include paying dues in the ethics category); maintain confidentiality when necessary.
Provide opportunities for members to meet others; take advantage of opportunities to meet others in and out of the region; maintain resources for those seeking assistance (know who to contact when); know who the experts are in certain areas of practice for referral; be able to refer a member to someone who can help them.
Participate in opportunities to develop professional, leadership, and other appropriate skills; provide opportunities for others to develop professional, leadership, and other appropriate skills via programming, workshops, meetings and discussions; be willing to contribute to and support new efforts to promote leadership development; be prepared to identify, mentor, and recruit rising leaders in the region.