Thank you for your interest in the My Cultural Awareness Profile (myCAP©) Suite of Resources. Please note that these products have been discontinued. For questions, please contact NAFSA's Academic Affairs and Internationalization staff.


The myCAP Self-Reflection and Discussion Tool is an instructional resource to support cultural reflection and conversations. This myCAP Tool consists of 15 survey style questions and six short-answer reflection prompts. It is important to note that the questions were not written to assess cultural awareness. Rather, the myCAP Self-Reflection and Discussion Tool questions serve as a means of encouraging self-reflection and generating conversation and inquiry. Responses should not be considered right or wrong, but rather as opportunities for self-exploration and as avenues for identifying future learning objectives.

Although it should not be used as a summative assessment vehicle, teacher educators can use the myCAP Self-Reflection and Discussion Tool as a resource for formative assessment. (In contrast, the myCAP Instrument is our summative assessment vehicle). The myCAP Self-Reflection and Discussion Tool is provided to instructors who register a course for the myCAP Instrument.


The myCAP Cultural Learning Action Plan offers an action-oriented plan for students based on the perspective that preservice or in-service teachers must have significant experiences that will move them forward in their intercultural and professional development.

Using the myCAP Cultural Learning Action Plan, students work toward action along five steps:

  • creating personal learning goals;
  • taking action;
  • developing contextual thinking;
  • practical planning; and
  • documenting cultural learning.

The myCAP Cultural Learning Action Plan is included with the myCAP Teacher Educator Guide, which is provided to instructors who register a course for the myCAP Instrument.


The myCAP Teacher Educator Guide is for Teacher Educators and other instructors to facilitate the use of the myCAP Suite of Resources in their programs. It provides resources for promoting the cultural awareness and development of preservice and in-service teachers as well as recommendations for preparing them to teach in diverse classrooms. This Guide offers innovative ways to use myCAP in the programs to encourage reflection.

The myCAP Teacher Educator Guide is provided to instructors who register a course for the myCAP Instrument.