The NAFSA EAKC Health and Safety Subcommittee and the EARP Committee created this resource to assist education abroad offices in assessing risk of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information provided is meant to be adapted to your institution’s needs, as a starting point or resource to add to any current pandemic related considerations. This resource may be especially valuable for under-resourced or small, one-person offices.

Use this information at your own discretion, as the committees acknowledge each institution has to make decisions that meet their university’s own risk tolerance level.  

Please also see helpful resources on the NAFSA Health and Safety page, including those from the Peer-to-Peer Perspective: Restarting Education Abroad.  

Feedback on this resource or additional considerations may be emailed.

Step 1. How do I start assessing travel risk?
Step 2. What tools can an institution use for assessing COVID risk?
Step 3. What are some questions to ask partners? What details should the institution be seeking?