Who We Are
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. NAFSA's 10,000 members are located at more than 3,500 institutions worldwide, in over 150 countries.
- Read NAFSA's Governance Documents
- Bylaws (214kb
- Standing Rules (278kb
- Committee Structure
- Bylaws (214kb
What We Do
NAFSA advances public policies that promote international education and is committed to supporting a broad public dialogue about the value and importance of international education. Through professional development programs, publications, and networks of professionals, NAFSA provides opportunities for knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and skill-building. NAFSA also plays a leadership role in increasing awareness of and support for the internationalization of higher education among education leaders, public policy makers, and the broader community.
Learn more about:
- Professional Development Offerings
- Publications and Our Magazine
- Professional Communities and Resources
Who Are International Educators
International educators range from frontline professionals to faculty, deans, provosts, and presidents of college and universities. There are also the professionals who provide services or products that support the field of international education. International educators:
- Lead or advance internationalization
- Advise or support students studying abroad or international students and scholars
- Work in enrollment management
- Develop or maintain institutional partnerships
- Integrate a global perspective into the curriculum
- Provide services or products that support the field
- Volunteer with international students or scholars in your local community
- Make international education their career