Career Center at NAFSA 2020
If you are a job seeker, employer, team manager or someone looking to advance your career, be sure to visit the NAFSA Career Center in Room 101.
The NAFSA Career Center offers expert-led sessions and career chats on a variety of career-focused topics, 20 minute one-on-one Resume Review sessions with certified career advisers, and 25 minute sessions with highly experienced Career Mentors to help you create career goals and determine your next action steps. Laptops will be available to visit the NAFSA Job Registry, upload your resume, or review our database of highly qualified international education professionals.
Sign up for Resume Review and Career Mentor sessions begins Monday, May 25 at 12:00 p.m.
More than two dozen sessions and informal chats will cover topics focused on advancing your international education career, including how to create open and productive workplaces, hiring the best candidates, and transitioning to a new job. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to discover tools to help you progress in the field, build a successful team, and network with colleagues from around the globe. Career Chats will be held in Room 101. Career Center Sessions will be held in Room 102.