2010 Conference Sessions
See Tuesday Sessions | See Wednesday Sessions
Concurrent Session #1 - 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
Student ethnographic research projects abroad. |
This session will cover the value and advantages of an ethnographic approach to exploring foreign cultures. Ethnography is an exploratory approach to a subject that encourages students to shape questions based on observation. The method is relatively easy to learn, and can be applied to a wide range of topics and fields of study. |
EA |
The Best Laid Plans for Faculty-Led Program Success – and What Happens When Things Go Wrong |
The statistics about study abroad participation point to short-term programs as driving the annual growth while longer term programs are flat or declining. Most short-term opportunities are of the faculty-led variety, with more faculty wanting to take more student groups abroad to more locations than ever before. |
EA |
“Teacher, I Need Help!” Developing a Successful ESL Tutoring Program |
For many students, the time spent studying in class is not sufficient to successfully master skills and concepts. Instructors are not always able to provide adequate supplemental help outside of the classroom setting. This presentation discusses the development of an ESL tutoring program for students studying in a university-level Intensive English Program (IEP). The presentation addresses the following aspects of developing and implementing a successful ESL student-focused tutoring program: planning the tutoring schedule, developing a tutoring budget, locating and organizing the tutoring facility, recruiting and training tutors, creating tutoring materials, and maximizing student usage. |
H-1B: Current Challenges and Best Practices |
A panel of two in-house immigration practitioners and an immigration attorney discuss current issues associated with the H-1B specialty worker status. Topics include the iCERT based LCA process, obtaining accurate prevailing wages, H-1B portability and best compliance practices for both the employer and the international individual after the H-1B worker has been placed on payroll. This session assumes a working knowledge of the H-1B process. |
How to Work Effectively with U.S. Customs and Border Protection |
CBP Port Director Leo Hachey will describe a day in the life of CBP at Omaha Eppley Airfield Airport, explain CBP's role in processing international students and scholars, let us know what CBP can and cannot correct, and tell us how best to contact CBP with questions or problems. |
Service Learning, Internships, and Volunteering Abroad: Addressing the Questions |
Service learning, interning, and volunteering aren’t exactly new to the world of study abroad. However, in recent years, the concept of each of these opportunities has become a hot topic on campuses across the country. “What is our philosophy about providing credit?” “What are the defining differences?” “As a Jesuit Institution, where students have a strong desire to serve, how can we best incorporate service learning for our students?” “Why is this important for today’s students?” These are just some of the questions we’ll address as we transverse the pros and cons of service choices for our students. |
EA |
"Have It All" But Too Tired to Care: A Conversation Opportunity on Life/Work Balance |
Are daycare drop offs and pick ups wreaking havoc on your office hours? Are you trying to strike that elusive balance between your work and home life? Do you want "working" and "parent" to co-exist in harmony? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, this session is for you: A panel and open discussion focusing on work/life balance, particularly geared to newer and first-time parents and parents with young children. As with studying abroad, parenthood requires a tolerance for ambiguity, flexibility, and adaptability. Discussion will focus on issues related to being a working parent: adopting a new work identity; dealing with guilt; finding contentment in your career; learning how to balance work and home life; managing logistics; and preparation. Network with and learn from others like you. Come and share your questions, concerns, stories, challenges, triumphs and strategies for a thriving career and healthy family life. |
An Examination of Immigration Past, Present and possible Future. |
The immigration system in the U.S. has become very difficult to understand. In fact, it has been described as being second only to the IRS in its complexity. How did we arrive at this point? What forces shape immigration policy? We will present the story of immigration history as well as examine the current proposals in the House and Senate. We hope that by becoming knowledgeable with the past we will become better advocates for an intelligent and fair comprehensive immigration reform. |
The Educational System of Poland - Overview |
Many of us have different levels of familiarity with Poland, its people, and its culture. However, it is not unusual to encounter Polish issues in our institutions. To bridge the gap, this presentation consists of a brief history of the Polish education system and identifies commonalities among groups of Polish students in the United States. The presentation then turns to a description of secondary and tertiary educational system in Poland, as well as the evaluation of Polish educational credentials. Many sample credentials will demonstrate how to read Polish educational documents, determine authenticity, and identify key information. |
Concurrent Session #2 - 10:15 - 11:30 a.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
Peer Advisors: Bridging Cultures in your Office, University, and the World |
One of the Study Abroad Office’s purposes is to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their academic career through international experiences. The student culture is continuously changing, which can make it hard for the office personnel to relate. As students, we can easily relate to our peers and as Peer Advisors we use this relationship to benefit the Office, and ultimately the students. This presentation provides our student prospective on office interaction, and our role in the advancement of International Education. Join us for interactive activities and beneficial information on effective ways to incorporate Peer Advisors into your Office.. |
EA |
IEP Accreditation: An agent of change |
Anyone who has engaged in a program analysis for accreditation will undoubtedly agree that some degree of change is inevitable. For example, change occurs when new policies or procedures are developed to address weak areas revealed through the self-study. Or the study might indicate a need for reorganization of personnel to better accommodate students’ needs or to make better use of resources. In addition, changes that occur in the program or in the host institution during the self-study add another dynamic to an already complex process. Join a panel of directors and other personnel from two IEPs as they discuss the topic of change relative to their experiences with program accreditation. |
Managing International Education by the Book |
This session presents useful tips, concepts, and models from popular management and leadership books that can be helpful to supervisors in international education offices. Topics include information about better interview techniques, motivating staff, conducting better meetings, helping individual staff members (including supervisors) to be more productive, and providing visionary leadership |
Combining international and multicultural education: A new |
Presentation Description: Merging international and multicultural education is a new approach taking root on some campuses in the United States. Two schools, North Dakota State University and Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT, have adopted this approach of having a single administrative position and/or campus center as an umbrella for both diversity and international programs. Representatives will discuss models at their schools providing background information on why the programs were combined and the benefits to this approach including pooling resources and capitalizing on their unique abilities. Participants will also explore potential challenges associated with this approach. |
Successful Strategies to Build Cultural Bridges During International Student Orientation. |
International students come from various cultural avenues. Their cultural integration and academic success depend greatly on the efficiency of the bridging process between their original and their host cultures. How do you create an atmosphere conducive to international students integration in campus cultures, while preserving the respect for their values? What learning activities can you introduce during orientation that help minimize their internal and exterior culture shocks, and help ease their adaptation to their new campuses? Participants will experience and take back various easy to use intellectual, fun and highly participatory activities that break cultural and linguistic barriers, and build cultural bridges that facilitate the integration of disoriented newcomers in new cultures. |
NAFSA Academy - What it can do for you - Q&A with current academy Members |
Wonder if the NAFSA academy is for you? Can you afford it? Do you have the time? All you questions can be answered regarding this professional development opportunity available to all NAFSA members. Come learn what the Academy can do for you and your office. NAFSA Academy is a year long professional development program designed for international educators with an interest in further developing their skills and knowledge in the field. Current participants will discuss crafting a successful application, seeking funding from your institution, and maximizing the benefits of the Academy. Presenters will be available for small group discussion based on interest of attendees |
Newcomers |
Monkeys, Zoomerangs & Student Voice: A World-Wide Web of Choices to Measure Student Satisfaction |
International educators are becoming more adept at using web-based survey tools to measure international student satisfaction and using the results to determine service priorities and craft institutional policies on their campuses. This session will explore several popular web-based platforms and the practical uses of the data. Presenters from public and private institutions will discuss their preferences and provide examples of surveys and best practices for measuring international student satisfaction. |
Guidelines for successful international collaborative arrangements in higher education |
A qualitative case study examined collaborative arrangements between U.S. institutions of higher education and Hong Kong organizations to offer American degree programs in Hong Kong. Based on the findings of the study as well as current literature, guidelines are proposed for developing collaborative arrangements to deliver higher education.In the proposed session the study will be described, a summary of the findings will be discussed, and the guidelines presented. The emphasis will be on the guidelines institutions of higher education should consider when developing relationships with other organizations, specifically international organizations. |
Community College Forum |
This session is designed for community college international student advisors and education abroad advisors, both newcomers and experienced. Our focus will be on "Training the Trainers." We know we have to do it, but are we actually providing the best orientation to our international students and education abroad students? Are we bridging cultures? Presenters will share current methods that have been implemented at several community colleges across Regions II and IV to train those who lead international student orientations and education abroad student and faculty pre-departure orientations. Time will be incorporated for sharing among audience participants as well. |
Concurrent Session #3 - 1:30 - 2:45 p.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
The Rise of China and India: A Comparative Investigation |
Interest in China has been on the rise in education abroad. China has overtaken Australia as a top destination for studying. But what exactly is happening there? What are most students doing in China and what other Asian destinations are they choosing? Why is China taking off when other countries like India, where the language of instruction is English, have not? Are we really seeing the rise of Asia as a whole, or mostly just China? Is the current increase in Chinese programs mainly due to language study or are there other factors in students choosing China? If the growth is due to language students, when can we expect the focus to shift away from language to other subjects? How do the reactions of the governments and universities in China, India, and other Asian countries differ? Does the rise of any non-English speaking destination follow a similar pattern? This session will certainly raise more questions than it will answer as it attempts to explore the issues with the participants. |
EA |
Building Innovative Global Programming for Business Students |
It is increasingly important for business students to have an international experience as part of developing a global business perspective. Learn about specific programs for study, scholarship, internship, and volunteer service that incorporate global business initiatives at the core of the study abroad or international experience. Such topics as, how to structure a successful program, strategies for maximizing student engagement, increasing awareness of best business practices, and setting the stage for future business leaders, will be discussed. This will be an interactive session with ample time for questions and answers, as well as sharing ideas and activities that enhance an abroad experience for business students. |
EA |
USCIS Developments |
Community liaison officer, Charles Pratt, will provide information about USCIS programs impacting international students and scholars. He will be available to answer questions from session attendees. |
E-Orientation |
We will introduce our online pre-arrival orientation created for incoming international students. The orientation was developed using a course management system (Angel) common to many universities. Designed like a class, each chapter covers topics of importance for new students. The students also have the opportunity to "meet" other incoming students online and to share information or ask questions of fellow students and advisors. Curriculum is administered through tests, puzzles, quizzes, discussion boards, and powerpoint presentations. |
The “P” in OPT: Practical Guidance in Optional Practical Training Applications and Advising |
This is a practical guide on how to submit OPT applications. This session may be presented with the assistance of Nebraska Service Center representatives. |
Learning to Communicate Effectively Across Cultures on Campus (Part 1 of 2) |
Presenters will focus on the basics of intercultural communication competence,how it affects various areas of campus, and the role of international educators
How to Successfully Recruit in the Gulf Countries |
This session is designed for RAP participants interested in learning more about how to enter the Gulf student market and how to maintain key relationships. Both presenters have recruited in the Gulf countries and have visited many of the key embassies in Washington D.C. It is important to understand the scholarship programs and how to coordinate with the Ministries of Education in the various countries. We will also examine how to plan a successful recruitment trip and what to be aware of culturally when recruiting in this region. |
Concurrent Session #4 - 3:15 - 4:30 a.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
Aiming for Quality Study Abroad Advising |
Recent changes on college and university campuses, and in the world, have created challenges to quality study abroad student advising. The prevalence of technology, the tendency to gravitate toward London and Florence, the proliferation of programs leading to a debilitating amount of choices, and collaborating with program providers so the advising does not solely happen on the home school campus, are a few of the challenges that are impeding the ability of study abroad offices to provide quality advising. This session will discuss what quality advising means to different campuses and provide solutions to the current challenges. |
EA |
Working with Providers: An Open Dialogue |
A panel and roundtable discussion on best practices to working with program providers. A panel of both university and provider representative will lead a group discussion on how to best identify and work with providers who best suit your institutional goals and needs. This is an open dialogue to exchange ideas and thoughts on how best to serve study abroad students. |
EA |
Mobilizing Community College Internationalization Efforts through Consortia and Institutional Partnerships |
This session will focus on unique and innovative ideas for insitutional partnerships forged among community colleges as well as between community colleges and universities both here in the US and internationally. Discussion will be focused on generating ideas to internationalize education utilizing the innovative power of community colleges and consortia among different types of institutions. |
USCIS Nebraska Service Center: Employment-based Session |
OPT Roundtable Discussion |
This is a roundtable discussion hosted by the regional KC-ISSS representatives regarding Optional Practical Training and the issues being faced on your campuses. We will discuss issues surrounding pre/post-completion OPT, change in graduation, unemployment/volunteering, lockbox/receipt issues, travel and more. Please bring your questions and best practices to share! |
Developing a Training Framework for Increasing Intercultural Awareness on Your
Campus (Part 2 of 2) |
Participants will be given the opportunity to work in small groups to develop a training template for improving cross cultural communication on campus which
will be adaptable to meet the unique concerns of various campus constituencies(faculty, staff, students). Attention will be given to using resources from intercultural communications theory and other related fields, building on information from Learning to Communicate Effectively Across Cultures on Campus. |
RAP Hot Topics |
In this session, participants will learn about the latest initiatives and resources of the Recruitment, Admissions, and Preparation (RAP) Knowledge Community including the areas of admissions and credentials, overseas education advising, marketing and recruitment, intensive English programs, sponsored student programs, and international enrollment management. Participants will also have the opportunity to talk with national and regional RAP team members and discuss ideas for future resources needed in the field. |
Emerging Issues in the Classroom |
What are the issues facing international students, second-language learners (including PRs), and first generation students in the classroom? What are some tricks and tips that faculty should be aware of to make their classrooms more friendly? How can you make faculty more willing to help these students without revamping their classes? We will explore these issues and more, based on surveys from students and a faculty development workshop. |
Liability Lurking: Tracking Student International Educational Experiences Beyond Study Abroad |
Many campuses have turned a blind eye to faculty who are traveling with students, sending students abroad for research or other academic concerns. The field tends to focus a lot of time and energy on risk management within Study Abroad, but do not realize the libability that is lurking when they fail to track and perform due diligence for other students going abroad on university programs. We will present the program that has been developed to track students at Colorado State University. |
Tuesday sessions are not avaiable at this time.
Concurrent Session #9 - 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
Trip Cancellation and Delay Insurance: An Overview of the Market |
In the wake of global pandemics, terrorism and natural disasters, college and university study abroad administrators as well as students and parents are increasingly concerned with the financial risks associated with international trip cancellations and delays. This session will provide an overview of the insurance products available to protect institutions and students from these risks. Topics to be covered include the types of perils covered, the quotation and enrollment process, and how claims are paid. |
EA |
Using Digital Media and Service Learning to Facilitate Student Engagement and Integration Abroad |
A presentation of how digital media is being used within service learning programs and academic curriculum at the American College of Thessaloniki in Greece as a tool to assist students in understanding their experience abroad. |
EA |
The Nuts and Bolts of a Self-funded Study Abroad Office |
This presentation features a financial overview of a self-funded study abroad office. Discussion will focus on the essential components of establishing program fees and understanding office expenditures. Presenters will describe various revenue sources and identify common expenditures. Examples of budgeting methods and tools will be provided. Strategies for generating funds will also be shared. |
EA |
Wrong, Necessary or Both: The Myths and Realities of Student Placement Services |
Agent use remains a hot topic in international student recruitment. This presentation will review various truths and myths of legal, professional and ethical issues regarding such placement services, and will provide advice on when institutions should and should not partner with agents. |
EA |
Putting the Pieces Together: Information You Need to Influence Campus Decision-Makers |
What information could you use most effectively to lobby top administration on your campus for resources? This session identifies and explores relationships between traditional and emerging categories of data such as economic impact, institutional impact, retention, educational outcomes, and student satisfaction that international educators can use for strategic planning and advocacy. Presenters will discuss methods for collecting data and assess the utility of new survey instruments such as iGraduate. |
Accidents, Pregnancies, STDs OH MY! |
Programming for Prevention:
Outstanding Professors and Researchers: Strategies for Obtaining Permanent Residence |
Two in-house immigration attorneys working at ubniversities in the Region (and long-time NAFSAns) will address the process of preparing immigrant petitions in order to obtain permanent residence for outstanding professors and researchers. The session will cover the formal criteria, reading between the lines of the regulations, advising department chairs/heads and deans and the scholars themselves, strategies for gathering persuasive documentation and responding to USCIS requests for additional evidence. There will be ample opportunity for questions and answers. |
Concurrent Session #10 - 10:15 - 11:30 a.m.
Session Title | Presentation Description | Knowledge Community |
The education abroad site visit: Maximizing your investment |
This session will focus on the planning, funding and reflecting stages of the education abroad site visit. The presenters will focus on ways to increase the R.O.I of the site visit, discuss faculty involvement and different ways to share site visit information with students, faculty and advisors. Sample funding requests and site reports will be shared. |
EA |
No Money? More Students?: Leveraging Student Leadership to Sustain Programs |
In this difficult economy and with the push for internationalization, how will your office continue to provide quality opportunities for international students while maintaining your own sanity? This session will present an international networking program that is sustained through student leadership and has seen tremendous growth and success since its inception. We will examine the leadership practices and strategic planning of the student executive team which is made up of both international and domestic students. We will also discuss how to create a balance between student and staff leadership, while allowing for flexibility and encouraging innovation. |
Introduction to NAFSA’s Statement of Ethical Principles |
This interactive session is sponsored by the Ethics program, under the auspices of the NAFSA Membership Committee. The session will provide an overview of NAFSA’s Statement of Ethical Principles and provide opportunity for discussions utilizing resource information and case studies relevant across a broad range of international education practice. |
Social Networking Tools for Student Recruitment |
This session provides an update and overview of the latest social media and web 2.0 tools and strategies colleges should use in recruiting, engaging and converting prospective applicants and current students. 1: Overview of student recruitment trends and social media changes in 2010 and 2011 ; 2: Discussion of the most popular recruitment tools available (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Skype, et al) ; 3: Pros and cons of the most popular tools and what has changed since 2010; 4: Creation of a sample marketing and recruitment campaign with the audience. |
Quechua Language & International Service-Learning: Enhancing Community Connections |
Quechua is the language spoken by most women in rural communities throughout the Peruvian highlands near Cusco. In conjunction with ProWorld Service Corps, students from the Regents'universities in Iowa participate in community service-learning projects that involve women but cannot communicate via a common language. Come learn about a survival Quechua phrasebook that will facilitate communication and enhance both student and community partner experiences in service-learning made possible by a Love of Learning grant via Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. |
The Best Test Keeps Getting Better! News From the GRE® Program at ETS |
Learn all about the important changes and critical timelines for the GRE® revised General Test launching in 2011, hear the latest on the ETS® Personal Potential Index and how it can deliver greater insight into a candidate's potential for success, and discover how the GRE® Search Service can help you to recruit candidates who are the right match for your graduate programs. |
International Student Recruitment on a Shoestring Budget |
The US Commercial Service, part of the US Dept. of Commerce, has a wealth of resources to help institutions attract international students. This includes experienced trade specialists, market research and affordable promotion events. |