Spring 2018 - Happy Spring Region X!
"Push On!" as Senator Elizabeth Warren said.
As your 2018 Chair, we have a lot of work to do in the coming year!
We are looking forward to dialogue with our governmental agencies and continue to support international educational goals.
From education abroad to regulatory practice to international enrollment management your contribution to this field matters more than ever. I am looking forward to learn from current team members and you! Please send me your ideas and suggestions at [email protected].
To ensure a solid foundation for our region, your phenomenal Region X team has been working on the development professional conferences:
- Downstate NY/NJ Conference: Wednesday, June 20 at Rutgers University
- Upstate Conference: Tuesday, June 26 at Syracuse University
- Regional Conference: Hyatt Regency Buffalo in NY, October 29-31
Our theme for the Region X Conference this year is Regional Roots, Global Reach. So be sure to "shuffle on over to Buffalo" in October!
We must do our part to support and educate! Lets "Push On!" together in this trying year. And I am hopeful!
Keep Engaged:
You can find instructions and information to join the network on the Region X website, listed under Region X Network. Communicating via Region X’s Network.NAFSA enables our region to maintain historical documents, exchange information, relay important news/updates/events, advertise job openings, and to continue to obtain best practice memos and materials from your RegBuds.
Read More:
NAFSA Region X E-Newsletter for Spring 2018
- Samantha Lu
Regional Chair
NAFSA Region X