In response to the new regulation allowing a 24 month extension of OPT for students in STEM fields, the region will be offering its members a training session on how to cope with these massive changes! The session will provide an overview of the new regulation, and then will take an open meeting format to allow participants to ask questions and share how they are implementing the new regulation on their campuses. We will be looking at the new regulation from both the student/applicant point of view and the employer point of view. Details are as follows:


Time: Tuesday, July 12 from 1:30 PM until 4:30 PM

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

Sign up here:

Cost: FREE! (plus light refreshments will be served)

Registration deadline: Thursday, July 7


Members of GRAC, your Student RegBud and your KC-ISSS Rep will be there. 


For those unable to attend, we will be offering at least one session on STEM OPT at the Region XI Conference in October.