José Antonio Quinteiro Goris
José Antonio Quinteiro Goris is the programme coordinator at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC), with over 25 years’ experience. In his current role, he collaborates in the design and execution of the annual plan of activities approved by the Governing Board of the Institute, in alignment with the guidelines emanating from the General Conference of UNESCO. Quinteiro Goris is also part of the technical teams of some projects led and executed by the IESALC. Before starting his career at UNESCO, he worked in The British Council. Prior to that, he was with a leading-top management consulting firm being part of an interdisciplinary pool of consultants that provided professional counselling services in privatization processes, market research, risk mitigation, and the establishment of management principles, working with clients ranging from solicitors’ firms to Latin American governments. His professional interest gravitates around the digital society and its impacts on higher education, human rights and, particularly, the right to education and the application of UNESCO normative instruments in the field of education, internationalization of higher education and its measurement, and bibliometrics.