NAFSA Staff Responsibilities to Team Member
- Provide expertise on developing curriculum for adult learners.
- Help teams develop a high-quality workshop with a complete trainer manual, participant workbook, PowerPoint and resource webpage.
- Read all drafts and offer detailed feedback to teams within the prescribed timeframes.
- Provide one-on-one coaching at key points in the process.
- Facilitate group conference calls and any on-site meetings.
- Arrange logistics for team calls, meetings, and focus groups.
- Edit materials and finalize visual design of presentation, including participant workbook and PowerPoint slides, to provide a professional and consistent product.
- Market the new workshop to the NAFSA community.
Team Member's Responsibilities to NAFSA
- Serve on a team of 3-4 members who represent a variety of institutions, strengths, and perspectives.
- Help develop the content of a CEP (Core Education Program) Workshop including a trainer guide, participant workbook, PowerPoint slides, and webpage resources by prescribed deadlines.
- Write trainer instructions and write content for accompanying participant workbook materials and PowerPoint slides. Identify relevant resources for inclusion on workshop resource webpage.
- Read team member drafts and provide comments to team members on content and training design.
- Give NAFSA permission to record, duplicate, and make available for sale the workshop and all related materials.
- Share samples, scenarios, and experiences to strengthen curriculum.
Approval and Acceptance
By accepting and signing this Curriculum Project Agreement, I understand and agree that:
- I retain ownership of the copyright in the contributions I made to the CEP Workshop Curriculum Project training materials, and I have the same rights to use or license my contributions which I would have had without entering into this License Agreement.
- I grant to NAFSA: Association of International Educators a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable, license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, modify, display, perform, sublicense, and distribute my contributions of materials to the CEP Workshop Curriculum Project. I agree that NAFSA may use my contributions in its Core Education Program (CEP) Workshops and webinars, and that it may sell materials including my contribution to the CEP Workshop Curriculum Project training materials.
- I represent that I am legally entitled to grant this license. If any third party has any rights to intellectual property that I created for the CEP Workshop Curriculum Project training materials that includes my contributions to this project, I represent that I have received permission that party’s permission to grant this license.
- I represent that each of my contributions is my original creation.
- I understand and acknowledge that NAFSA is not obligated to use my contributions in the CEP Workshop Curriculum Project training materials.
Each of the undersigned parties acknowledge that he/she possesses the legal authority to enter into this agreement and agrees to the terms and conditions stated herein. Our working together as a team helps to ensure a successful workshop for members of Trainer Corps and the workshop participants.
NAFSA Signatory
Marianne Haegeli
Senior Director, Professional Learning Services