Volunteers Needed
Bi-regional Conference attendees: We need you!
Do you want to get involved? Do you want to meet new colleagues? Do you want to have fun?!?!
The Region XI Team is currently seeking volunteers interested in contributing to a lively, engaging and informative conference. Whether you are brand new to international education or long-time in the field, volunteering is a great way to get involved in NAFSA, network with colleagues from all knowledge communities and to just have a good time. Sign up now to help with on-site registration, room set-ups, meals and much more.
Volunteering has many benefits:
- Leadership and event planning training
- Excellent networking opportunity with other professionals in the field of International Education
- Discover other leadership positions available with the NAFSA region and national
Please download and submit the Conference Volunteer Form by October 10th. Don't delay, fill out the form today!!
Thank you for your interest! We look forward to seeing you in Albany!!
Questions? Concerns? Please contact Candace Matta, Conference Chair-Designate at [email protected].