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Join NAFSA today at our new member rate of $199 USD (A Savings of $260)!
Engage with over 10,000 international education professionals representing more than 350 Institutions in over 100 countries.
In uncertain times, NAFSA membership gives you the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to make your international education program thrive.
- Engage with global international education leaders and build partnerships to maximize your program's success. Connect with your peers in NAFSA professional networks and at essential events, including the NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo—the largest international education event of the year.
- Gain unlimited access to extensive professional learning and community resources including member-only publications and programs.
- Take part in international education diversity programs and advocacy initiatives that enable our field to grow and expand opportunities for every global learner.
- Receive a substantial 25% savings on most products, programs, and services (including NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo registration).
Your membership pays for itself! Take advantage of a full 12 months of member savings on event registrations, online resources, and professional development programs essential for career and program success.
As a NAFSA member you will have immediate access to:
Exclusive Member Savings
Save year-round on event registrations, online resources, and professional development programs essential for career and program success.
- 25% Savings on Most Products, Programs, and Services (including Annual Conference)
- 45% Savings on Most Products, Programs, and Services for Student Members Only
Member Resources and Information
Stay current on the latest news and issues impacting your programs with our award-winning publications and timely articles from respected thought leaders in the field.
- International Educator Magazine
- NAFSA.news Weekly International Education News
- NAFSA Trends & Insights
- Global Studies Literature Review
- International Student Economic Value Tool Member Overview
- NAFSA Member Alerts
Premium Visa and Immigration Resources
Gain member-only access to comprehensive resources and real-time updates on visa and immigration policy changes that could impact your programs and students.
- IssueNet EA Visa Help - Visa Information Assistance
- IssueNet - Immigration Issue Assistance
- NAFSA Spring and Fall Immigration Updates
Member Networking Opportunities
Expand your professional networks and connect with members worldwide who are ready to share their ideas and solutions for your daily challenges.
- Interactive Member Directory
- Unrestricted Access to NAFSA Professional Networks
- Unlimited Member-Interest Group Participation
And much more!
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to excellence in the field of international education. We look forward to welcoming you into the NAFSA community.