No need to wait for rainy weather to check out some of Vancouver's museums and galleries. They're well worth a visit even when the sun's out. Here's a sneak peak of what will be on exhibit while you're in town. As a bonus, you'll see a list of shows happening during the conference.
Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG)
Just in time for the conference, the VAG will debut its exhibit on surrealist art featuring artists such as Miro, Dali, and Giacometti. Also on exhibit is Vancouver's very own Ken Lum, a mixed-media artist that makes the everyday world his subject.
Vancouver Contemporary Art Gallery (CAG)
Check out some local and international up-and-coming contemporary art at the CAG. On exhibit during your visit is a show coauthored by two Israeli artists, Ruti Sela and Maayan Amir, which explores sex and politics. This will be on display alongside the work of American artist Sharon Hayes.
Centre A
This nonprofit exhibit in Chinatown showcases contemporary Asian artists. During the week of annual conference, Canadian artist Howie Tsui takes center stage.
Science World
This interactive museum invites its visitors to explore science hands on. Watch a 3-D movie on the Hubble telescope or surfing in Tahiti, or head down to see science experiments in the Science Theatre.
Vancouver Museum
Learn more about Vancouver's history through its permanent exhibit or check out the city's Bhangara Story through
Maritime Museum
A showcase of British Columbia's marine history, this museum encases an entire ship, the famous RCMP St Roch.
Museum of Anthropology (MOA)
What draws visitors to MOA is its fantastic collection of works from British Columbia's First Nations people. Also unique about MOA is that while other museums only display part of their collection and hide the rest in the basement and backrooms, MOA gives the public full access to its world-renowned collection. You can even see its staff at work through the glass windows that divide up the space. Purchase your tickets for NAFSA's Cultural Event, which takes place here on Wednesday, June 1.
Carol Zachs is the Local Arrangements Committee (LAT) communications chair for NAFSA’s 2011 Annual Conference & Expo. After completing an internship in 2000-01 at the University of Aarhus’ International Secretariat in Denmark, Carol has worked in the field of international education ever since. Currently, she serves as the manager of study and research abroad at the University of British Columbia, where she is also completing graduate work in education. Originally from Mexico City, Carol has been a Vancouver resident for the past 24 years. Carol looks forward to showcasing what Vancouver has to offer to all of the conference attendees.