We are expecting a big turnout at our exciting upcoming fall conference at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, VA , November 10-13 (Exhibit Hall open Nov. 11-13). We would be delighted if you would like to sponsor an event, take out an advertisement, and/or exhibit at our conference. This year, we’ll be holding our all-conference reception at the amazing Torpedo Factory.

Thank you for for helping to support our region with your contribution of time, energy, wisdom and also financial assistance. Without all of these contributions we wouldn’t be able to offer first-rate conferences that are so valuable to our membership. For more information about the various possibilities open to you, please feel free to contact Delo Blough.

Position Your Brand

Establish your presence as a leader in international education while supporting the 11 NAFSA regions! Learn more about exhibiting, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities at the regional conferences.

Explore opportunities now


We are excited to be using the Guidebook application for the 2015 Conference. This application allows participants to retrieve conference schedule, announcements, and messages through their smart devices with or without wifi. It is also an opportunity for sponsors and advertisers to showcase their companies in unique and creative ways. Guidebook can be downloaded onto any smart device through the app store or at https://guidebook.com/. Check out all the advertisement opportunities available through Guidebook below.

Advertising and Sponsorship Options

  • $550 Exhibit Tables
    ($635 after September 5, 2015. After October 24, 2015, registration will be on-site only, pending availability, for a fee of $700.) Exhibitor Fee includes:
    • One free registration, including entry into all receptions, luncheons and sessions
    • One table and one chair – electric hook-up and/or internet are available for an additional cost – arrangements must be made directly with the hotel.
    • One basic banner ad in Guidebook
    • Inclusion in the Exhibit Hall Scavenger Hunt
  • $100 Non exhibitor basic Guidebook banner ad
  • $150 Enhanced Guidebook banner ad (ad appears twice on scrolling application)
  • $300 Featured Guidebook banner (ad appears on top of specific track e.g. ISSS, EA, IEL, etc.)
  • $500 Sponsored Coffee Break - includes additional banner ad, ad listed on Guidebook session slot, Logo listed on physical sign at the event
  • $1000 Sponsored Plenary Brunch - includes additional banner ad, ad listed on Plenary Brunch slot, Logo listed on physical sign outside of Brunch
  • $1000 Sponsored Reception - includes additional banner ad, ad listed on Reception slot, Logo listed on physical sign outside of Reception
  • $750 Tweet Up - includes additional banner ad, ad listed on Tweet Up slot, Logo listed on physical sign outside of Tweet Up, 3 sponsored Tweets

Exhibitor registration includes one free conference registration, a table and 2 chairs, free Wi-Fi, a banner ad on Guidebook (guaranteed for early bird registrants only).  

Silent Auction, Tweet Up, and Closing Ceremony

This year you are encouraged to donate a basket of goodies to be auctioned off at our Silent Auction to raise funds for the region in support of travel grants. And if you’d rather not donate something as large as a basket of goodies, please consider bringing along a smaller gift for the region to give away at our third annual tweet up or our closing Town Hall Meeting. With this type of gift, you can promote your brand and help the region at the same time.