Member Event
Free to Members
Event Date Event Time Registration Deadline Registration
August 23, 2022 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Registration Closed

Join NAFSA President and Chair of the Board of Directors, LaNitra Berger, for conversation about NAFSA and to learn more about the NAFSA Executive Director & CEO Search Committee process. This NAFSA Member Listening session is open to current NAFSA members only. This will be the second of two listening sessions.

As mentioned during previous correspondence, NAFSA’s current Executive Director & CEO Esther Brimmer has announced she is leaving NAFSA at the end of this year.

The search process includes opportunities for nominations and feedback. The Board of Directors is eager to hear what members have to say! The listening sessions provide a chance for members to discuss the qualities they would like to see in NAFSA’s next leader.

Registration for this event will close on August 23, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. EDT.  

For questions about the event, please contact Beth Sharp.

LaNitra Berger, PhD

LaNitra Berger PhD
George Mason University
LaNitra Berger, PhD, is the Associate Professor of Art History and Director of African and African American Studies at George Mason University (GMU). She has helped students secure more than 60 prestigious fellowships such as the Fulbright, Boren, Gilman, Truman, Udall, and Critical Language...