Carolyn Becker

Carolyn Becker

Director, Education Abroad
Texas Woman's University

Carolyn Becker works as the Director of Education Abroad at Texas Woman's University. She has been able to work directly with a unique and diverse student population to provide support related to education abroad opportunities. In addition, she serves as the President-Elect of her institution’s Staff Council. Becker is actively involved with NAFSA and The Forum on Education Abroad through conference committee work and presentations. She is also a reviewer for multiple national scholarships including the Fund for Education Abroad and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. Additionally, she is a member of the Academic Programs International Advisory Board and previously served on the Diversity Abroad MSI Task Force. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in History from Winona State University and a Master of Science in Education in College Development and Administration from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 

Rising Star Young Leader Awardee

Carolyn Becker received the 2018 NAFSA International Education Rising Star Young Leader Award