Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija, PhD
Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija is dean and associate professor of public administration, School of Management Science, at Uganda Management Institute in Uganda. He is also an extra-ordinary professor of public administration, North-West University and senior scholar, University of Lusaka. Karyeija is a facilitator at the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces Senior Staff and Command College, Kimaka. Karyeija has vast experience in research, consultancy, training, and practice in the area of governance, management, leadership and public administration spanning over 20 years with various organizations and countries. Lately, he has increased interest in leadership and management for quality improvement in health service delivery. Karyeija holds bachelor’s degree specializing in political science and public administration from Makerere University, Uganda, and an MPhil and a PhD in public administration from the University of Bergen, Norway.