Hernando Sevilla-Garcia, MS
Hernando Sevilla-Garcia, MS, is a senior diversity relations manager for IES Abroad. After spending a year in the organization's academics department as a program associate, he now works to increase the participation of underrepresented students in study abroad. During his undergraduate career he studied at the University of Pennsylvania and then completed a BA in history and political science with minors in Portuguese and interdisciplinary Latina/o studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. While an undergrad he studied abroad in five different countries: short-term, faculty led programs in Costa Rica, Cuba, and China as well as spending a semester each in Spain and Brazil. A recipient of the Gates Millennium and QuestBridge scholarships, Hernando recently received a master's of science in higher education administration and policy program within Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy. After being selected as one of approximately 1,500 students from around the world to attend the 11th Annual Clinton Global Initiative-University, Hernando's projects outside the classroom and office also center around international education as he seeks to garner support for his proposed Commitment to Action: "Juntos: Chicago Hispanic-Serving Institutions Abroad".