Jiangyuan (JY) Zhou, EdD
Jiangyuan (JY) Zhou, EdD, is the executive director, Center for Global Engagement at James Madison University. Her work focuses on internationalization, faculty empowerment, global learning, and assessment. JY keeps an active research agenda on a new theoretical framework to define and assess comprehensive internationalization as dynamic systems. SAAC&U has recognized her work at Stockton University as a campus model for global learning. She teaches global learning courses and designs curricular and cocurricular projects to integrate and enhance the roles of technology, languages and cultures, service-learning, and collaborative teaching into global learning initiatives. JY also consults and leads workshops on comprehensive internationalization in various higher education institutions. She holds a doctorate in educational theory and practices from SUNY-Binghamton. She previously served as 2023 and 2024 annual conference coordinator for the International Education Leadership (IEL) Knowledge Community. She is a former network leader and chair of the Internationalizing Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum (ITLC) Network Subcommittee with the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (TLS) Knowledge Community (KC). JY is the Interim Chair of the Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Consortium.