Lotte Buiting
Lotte is the Associate Director, Programming at Education Abroad & Overseas Campuses, Temple University. In her role she is responsible for the administration and daily operations for Temple study abroad programs, including student enrollment, preparation, and success. Previously she worked at Swarthmore College as the Associate Director for Off-Campus Study, and at Drexel University as a Senior Study Abroad Advisor. She has also taught literature, film, and Spanish language at different institutions. She is engaged in the field of international education as a reviewer for Frontiers and has served on the Diversity Abroad Task Force for Faculty Resources, as well as on the Research Advisory Working Group at the Forum on Education Abroad. She has published on mental wellness abroad for diverse students and presented panels and posters at national and regional conferences on various topics including study abroad assessment and non-credit education abroad. Born and raised in The Netherlands, Lotte first went abroad as a high school student, completing the I.B. program at the Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific (Vancouver Island, Canada). During her College years, she studied abroad in Siena (Italy) for a year and in Madrid (Spain) for a summer. During graduate school she spent a year conducting research in Mexico City (Mexico). She holds an M.A. in Spanish and an M.Ed. in Second Language Acquisition from Utrecht University, and a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures from Harvard University.