Maria Anastasiou

Maria Anastasiou, PhD

Associate Provost for International Programs
University of North Carolina Greensboro

Maria Anastasiou, PhD, serves as associate provost for international programs at UNC Greensboro. Maria works closely with multiple constituents across campus to create and implement global learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to enhance comprehensive internationalization. Prior to joining UNC Greensboro, Maria served as executive director in the Office of International Education and Development at Appalachian State University. She also served as the director of international programs at USC-Aiken and as director of the Lifelong Learning Program financed by the European Union at Frederick University in Cyprus. Maria received her BA in economics and international studies from the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill and her MA and PhD in international studies from the University of South Carolina. She has taught numerous classes on foreign policy and international relations and likes to teach college-level classes when time permits. Maria is a native of Cyprus and came to the United States in 1994 on a Fulbright Scholarship for her college education.