Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar is the Assistant Vice Provost for International Services and Support at the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, directing a team of twenty professionals in providing comprehensive support and engagement to over four thousand international students and scholars. He has been in the international education field for thirty years having worked in variety of institutions- from small schools, community college to large research institutions. Before coming to the University of Rochester, he served as the Director of the Office of International Student and Scholar Services at Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL.
He served in many regional and national leadership positions with NAFSA and is indebted to Region V and all his colleagues. He served as the Region V Reg. Bud, KISS representative, Region V Chair, Vice President for Professional Development and Engagement, and as President and Chair of the Board of NAFSA from January, 1999 to December, 2020.
Ravi spent his formative years in the UK; moved to India to complete his undergraduate degree and graduate degree in Literature with particular emphasis on 19th and 20th century British and African literature. He also lived in Kenya for a couple of years before moving to the United States for further studies.