rochelle keesler

Rochelle Keesler

Director of International and off-Campus Education
Lafayette College
Member, NAFSA Subcommittee on Health & Safety in Education Abroad

Rochelle Keesler is the Director of International and Off-Campus Education at Lafayette College. In addition to overseeing the day-to-day operations of the office, and setting and implementing the office’s strategic goals, she also oversees the College’s faculty-led semester Engineering programs and short-term faculty-led programs. Prior to joining Lafayette College in July 2017, Rochelle worked at Boston University as a Program Manager for programs in Spain, Latin America, and Israel, and later at the University of Pennsylvania, as Associate Director, managing exchange agreements and course embedded study abroad opportunities. Rochelle has actively contributed to the field of education abroad through service on advisory boards and to the NAFSA Consular Affairs Liaison subcommittee and currently on the NAFSA EAKC Health and Safety in Education Abroad subcommittee.