DOL’s November, 2009 prevailing wage guidance instructs the National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC) to look to Appendix D of that guidance, which lists the Education & Training Category Code of the occupations that DOL has determined are “professional.” If the O*NET-SOC code selected by the NPWC is listed in Appendix D, the guidance states that “the education and training categories assigned to those occupations shall be considered the usual education and training required when considering the education level for prevailing wage determinations.” That is to say, for any degree requirement above that level, the NPWC would add a “point” to the wage level work sheet. Recall the example in DOL’s guidance: “Example: If the occupation generally requires a Bachelor’s degree and the employer’s job offer requires a Master’s degree, enter a 1; if the job offer requires a Ph.D., enter a 2.” If an occupation is not listed in Appendix D, then the NPWC is instructed to “apply the same process with reference to the education level for what the job zone says ‘most of these occupations require,’ or ‘usually require’ described in the O*NET Job Zone for that occupation.”