An August 8, 2000 INS memo
prohibited aliens from simultaneously pursuing adjustment of status and immigrant
visa processing, and instructed field offices that in cases where an application
for adjustment of status is already pending, I-824 requests for consular
notification of an approved I-140 or I-130, as well as duplicate immigrant
petition filings that request consular processing of immigrant visas, are to be
treated as withdrawals of any pending adjustment of status application, and any
accompanying work authorization. INS memo HQ70/23.1P (AD00-15), M.Cronin (August
8, 2000); AILA InfoNet Doc No. 00101803 (posted Oct. 18, 2000). Note that the
memo stated it was adding a new section 23.2(1) to the Adjudicator's Field
Manual, but the online AFM does not include that section.