On April 28, 2009 U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS) published a Federal Register notice changed filing location and filing instructions for the Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Form I-90). The revised filing instructions require applicants to submit supporting documentation with their applications. The notice also revises the Direct Mail address for the Form I-90. Applicants must now file their Form I-90 and supporting documentation with the USCIS Lockbox facility in Phoenix. This change in filing location affects all I-90 applicants filing a paper form, including those applicants filing the I-90 because their previously issued card was never received or because their existing card has incorrect data due to a USCIS error.

Beginning on April 27, 2009, applicants must submit their Form I-90 and supporting documentation to the USCIS Lockbox facility in Phoenix for initial processing, using the following addresses:

P.O. Box 21262
Phoenix, AZ 85036

For USPS Express Mail and Courier Service deliveries, use the following address:

ATTN: I-90
1820 Skyharbor Circle S Floor 1
Phoenix. AZ 85034

USCIS also posted these Questions and Answers: Permanent Resident Card (I-90) Revised Filing Instructions