NAFSA Member
Student Member
Event Date Event Time Registration Deadline Registration
November 14 - 15, 2024 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Register Today

Workshop Description

International educators (are expected to) provide intercultural guidance to students going abroad and incoming international students, as well as to other constituents on an increasingly diverse campus. How we navigate these intercultural experiences can impact cultural adjustment and inclusion. Move beyond intercultural theory to develop your own facilitative framework to support intercultural learning among students, scholars, faculty, and staff.

Workshop Objectives

  • Use intercultural communication strategies to support cultural adjustment for incoming and outgoing students, faculty and staff
  • Diagnose needs, provide training, and measure growth using intercultural development models and instruments
  • Develop an intercultural learning framework to facilitate a responsive and inclusive community on campus

What Participants Are Saying

  • "I found this very valuable to be able to look at my University more closely to see what we are actually doing to support our International students as well as my how I currently interact with my students and the level of support I am giving to them throughout their studies." - Annual Conference workshop participant
  • "The information presented was very valuable and different from other intercultural communications trainings I've completed." - Annual Conference workshop participant
  • "Thoughtful integration of theoretical framework and practice." - Annual Conference workshop participant
  • "Concrete examples from great teachers. Professional connections to follow-up with as I plan our campus educational workshops." - Regional Conference workshop participant


Professionals who provide intercultural training and advising to students, faculty, and staff.