While the term "technology" can refer to many different things, the studies in this area offer innovative approaches for using technology to support campus-wide internationalization. The benefits of traditional education abroad programs and the benefits of the international students on campus have long been studied, but research examining technologies that support internationalization are more complicated, primarily due to the constantly shifting nature of technology. This makes it difficult to determine whether or not one technology serves its purpose better than another. Nevertheless, the studies below offer an innovative look at how some campuses are enhancing their internationalization options through the use of technological advances.

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These selections provide a sample of current research on this complex topic. Articles are listed with the most recent year first, then alphabetically.

Johnson, Kathrine, Liz Frondigoun, and Helen Jones. 2013. "While You Were Sleeping: Realising the Dream of International Collaborative Teaching." Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences 5 (1): 9–18. doi:10.11120/elss.2013.05010009. Abstract
Johnson et al. discuss a partnership between the University of West Florida and Manchester Metropolitan University. Since 2004 the two institutions have co-taught a criminology course using a variety of technologies to encourage collaborations between students. The students engage in problem-solving together; have created a wiki; and work in an open, online platform. Unusually, the students themselves play an important role in the progress of the course. The goal of the program is to create a "no-cost" international experience, and the effectiveness of the students' development during the course is measured with a post-course survey. The authors also describe characteristics that make this partnership particularly successful.
O'Dowd, Robert. 2013. "Telecollaborative Networks in University Higher Education: Overcoming Barriers to Integration." The Internet and Higher Education 18 (July): 47–53. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2013.02.001. Abstract
Robert O'Dowd surveys telecollaborative courses in Europe to identify factors that make such programs a challenge to create and to determine which factors help them succeed. Recognizing that merely 4% of European university students actually take advantage of "international mobility" options, O'Dowd offers that building reliable partnerships, increasing awareness of the course options, integrating the telecollaborative program with the institution's local needs, providing a means for students' work to be recognized and relating the program with an institution's internationalization goals can offset the obstacles to the creation of these courses. Programs mentioned are between Sweden and the United States; Germany and Ireland; Italy and various countries; Italy and the United Kingdom; various countries in Europe and the United States; Latvia and France; and France and the United Kingdom.
Ertmer, Peggy A. et al. 2011. "Facilitating Students' Global Perspectives: Collaborating with International Partners Using Web 2.0 Technologies." The Internet and Higher Education 14 (4): 251–261. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.05.005. Abstract
Ertmer et al. describe a five-week collaboration project where pre-service teachers from a Midwestern research university in the United States worked with partners in England, Russia, South Korea, and Sweden to develop a wiki on Web 2.0 technologies for teaching and learning. The project addressed both the goal of increasing the cultural competence of the 202 pre-service teachers as well as increasing their comfort with Web 2.0 technologies. The project determined that the teachers did increase their cultural competencies (based on pre- and post-tests of the Milville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale, Short-Form). In addition, the teachers expressed greater comfort with using Web 2.0 technologies (p.259).