Join the Region XI Team!

The 2024 application cycle for new team members beginning their roles in 2025 are now open!  We are seeking applicants for the following positions:

  • Chair-Elect (3 year term including Chair-Elect (year 1); Chair (year 2) and Past Chair (year 3))
  • Conference Planner Designate (2 year term including designate year and conference chair year)
  • International Education Management (IEM) Representative (3 year position)
  • Vermont State Representative (3 year position)
  • KC-ISSS Representative (3 year position)
  • Communications Representative (3 year position)

The Application Process

Applicants should have the support of their institution/supervisor as described in their position description. To apply, submit:

  • Letter of Interest
  • Resume/CV
  • Reference

 *Succesful applicants will also be required to submit a letter of support from their institution/supervisor.

Submit your letter of interest, resume/CV and the name of one reference.

Applications should be received by August 16th for priority consideration; roles will remain open until filled.

Below you will find descriptions of all Region XI Leadership Team positions; descriptions are updated at the end of each term.