Recent Announcements
January 26, 2011
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the 2011 Re-Entry conference will be hosted by Suffolk University this coming fall semester, more details to follow. The Regional Leadership team invites applicants for the position of Re-Entry Conference Chair, see description below. This position is an excellent leadership and professional development opportunity for graduate students or young professionals who are interested in getting more involved in the Education Abroad field and making connections in the Boston area study abroad network. The deadline for applications is February 7th. The successful candidate will receive a complimentary registration to this year's NAFSA Regional conference in Manchester, NH. Please forward this notice to any friends and colleagues who may be interested.
Position: Re-Entry Conference Chair(s): The Chair will select a conference planning committee and work closely with their committee, along with the Education Abroad Representative for NAFSA Region XI, BASAA leadership, and on-site coordinators to plan and execute the 2011 Re-Entry conference. Last year, the conference drew approximately 130 students from schools all over Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire as well as representation and sponsorship from 14 Education Abroad organizations.
- Identify and lead a conference planning team, including co-chair(s) and volunteers to facilitate and implement conference programmatic content and logistics.
- Communicate with on site coordinator to coordinate all logistics related to the conference space, including main meeting areas, break-out sessions, audio visual accommodations, food and beverage, and exhibit space.
- Manage all non-logistical aspects of the conference experience, including but not limited to break-out sessions content and presenters, marketing and publications, key note speaker, registration and volunteers, exhibitors, etc.
- Facilitate the selection and scheduling of presentations and break-out sessions relevant to the re-entry needs of student attendees.
- Facilitate communication related to all logistic and programmatic aspects of conference participation, including registration of conference participants, conference announcements and reminders, website content updates and other various communications.
- Maintain records of conference registration, attendance, and evaluations and submit a detailed report to Region XI following the conference.
- Previous experience traveling, studying, living, or working abroad and/or a vested interest in issues related to student experiences abroad and re-entry into their home environment.
- Interpersonal and communicative skills to coordinate effectively with conference planning team and on-site coordinators.
- Organizational skills sufficient to perform multiple tasks while managing and monitoring many aspects of the conference experience and expectations.
- Ability to communicate effectively and delegate responsibilities.
- Ability to visit the conference site at least once prior to the conference date.
- The successful candidate will receive a complimentary registration to this year's Region XI conference in Manchester, NH.
- Please send resume and brief letter of interest to jmckernan[at] by Monday, February 7th.