Frequently asked questions about the NAFSA Adviser's Manual 360 licensing system. Have a question not answered by the FAQs? Submit your inquiry to the AM360 staff!

How much does an AM360 license cost?
How long is a license valid?
Can I get an AM 360 license if I'm not a NAFSA member?
How is the member-nonmember pricing determined?
If I buy 3 licenses, then later want to add a fourth, how much will I pay for the fourth license?
AM 360 refund policy
How can my office manage multiple licenses?
When I order a multiple-license package, do I have to indicate who will receive those licenses?
What happens when AM 360 licenses on the same roster have different expiration dates? Does that mean we will receive multiple invoices?
Can I transfer a license from one person to another?
Will there be a refund or balance due after a license transfer between a member and a nonmember?
Why does the roster or renewal invoice show people who work in another office?
Why is a staff member missing from our roster?
What if I have a license from one institution and move to another?
What happens if the AM 360 roster manager leaves our institution and goes to another?
How do AM 360 license renewals work? Will I get both an email and a paper renewal invoice?
Can I obtain a paper renewal invoice if my institution requires one to process a payment?