Miri Yemini, PhD
Miri Yemini, PhD, is a tenured professor of education at Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology. Yemini's research interests center on internationalization of education in schools and higher education, global citizenship education, and education in conflict-ridden societies. She is an active member of CIES, CESE, and BAICE and a past president for the Israeli Comparative Education Society. She has published extensively across multiple journals including: Comparative Education Review, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Teaching and Teachers Education, and Journal of Studies in International Education. Yemini is currently leading international research, funded by the European Research Council from 2023-28, to study youth activism in diverse contexts including climate crisis and human rights.
Dr. Yemini received the 2024 Innovative Research in International Education Award for her journal article, "Rethinking the Sacred Truths of Global Citizenship Education: A Theoretical Exploration."