Pat and Mary Barrett
Pat and Mary Barrett are both long time members of Community Volunteers for International Programs (CVIP), an organization devoted to serving the international students at Michigan State University and helping them to interact with the residents in the greater Lansing area through cultural and social programs. Mary began volunteering in the early 1970s (first with the English conversation classes and later with a weekly international spouse support group called Every Tuesday). Upon retirement as a professor in MSU's English Language Center for 30 years, Pat began volunteering in the CVIP Office and later assumed responsibility as Office Manager. The couple served as Co-Presidents of CVIP from 1994-1996 and again in 1997-1998. Nationally, Pat served as the President of NAFSA-ATESL and the Chair of CIEP (Consortium of Intensive English Programs). Pat was honored with a Lifetime Membership in NAFSA:AIE, and both Mary and Pat have received a Homer Higbee Award, given by MSU's International Studies and Programs. They were also awarded the "East Lansing's International Citizens of the Year" by the East Lansing City Council.