
Ryan C McLemore (San Diego State University) and Jonathan Sylvia (Dartmouth College) in collaboration with the 2021 EAKC Subcommittee on Financing Education Abroad

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The structures and financial frameworks of education abroad operations at U.S. colleges and universities are as diversified as those institutions themselves. Whether an institution seeks to initiate international programming or augment a structure that currently exists, the following suggestions can help frame deliberations. First and foremost, it is critical to identify the funding goals and assess the present situation at the institution. An understanding of what interest and demand for education abroad experiences there is among students at the institution is also very important, along with being familiar with its mission, vision, and curriculum. There is no preferred office model as outcomes are highly dependent on institutional commitment to international education and operations are heavily influenced by the unique institutional histories and cultures. 

What are possible funding models to support education abroad operations? at other institutions?
What cost categories must be accounted for in the financial model?
What are possible funding sources for self-sustaining units?