Dear Editors:

Thank you for publishing the article on "Effective Crisis Management" by Joseph Brockington in the July/August 2006 issue of International Educator. I highly recommend it to my colleagues in international education. It is a timely and very useful reminder of skills and procedures that we (hopefully) rarely have to use. The topic is one that we have all been more aware of recently (in fact the timing is amazing given events of the last few weeks) and very well done. It cites good resources and has a step-by-step reminder of process. I particularly liked the reminder to "Take Care of the People Working on the Plan."

I was especially glad to see the portion titled "When a Reporter Calls" reprinted with permission from Mickey Slind. This particular piece resides in one of my own files where I can pull it out as needed for a quick refresher in dealing with the media. I'm also reminded that many things can bring the media to our office doors. It does not have to be an international crisis. It could be something as different as the proposed television show "Junior Year Abroad" that we heard about a short time ago.

To fellow readers, if you haven't read this article I urge you to move this to the top of your list.

Nancy Ericksen
Study Abroad Counselor
Trinity University
San Antonio TX