NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference Committee (ACC)
Executive Committee
The Executive Team provides vision and oversight and ensures the conference is aligned with NAFSA’s Strategic Plan. They set content and networking priorities for the conference (including both concurrent sessions and poster events). They lead the content planning meeting to review the program submitted by the Conference Content Team and, with their help, engineer or re-engineer sessions, seminars, and workshops to meet content goals. In addition, they evaluate data from the previous years’ conference to inform their goals for the upcoming conference.
- Conference Chair: Sam Brown, Brigham Young University
- Content Chair: Sandra Janusch, University of Washington
- Workshop Coordinator: Jennifer Creamer, Robert Morris University
- Poster Chair: Tonya Veltrop, University of Missouri
- Chair-Designate, 2023 Annual Conference Committee: Margaret Wiedenhoeft, Kalamazoo College
- Vice President for Scholarship and Institutional Strategy: Ahmad Ezzeddine, Wayne State University
- President of the Board of Directors: LaNitra Berger, George Mason University
Sam Brown

Sandra Janusch

Tonya Veltrop, MBA

Jennifer Creamer

Margaret Wiedenhoeft, PhD

Ahmad Ezzeddine, PhD

LaNitra Berger, PhD

Content Team
The Content Team develops a content plan for the conference and helps shape the Call for Proposals. They solicit and review proposals for sessions (including both concurrent sessions and poster events) and workshops that fit the conference theme and advance knowledge and skill-building for the field of international education and exchange. Each team member develops a ranked set of session and workshop proposals for their respective audience group to contribute to the creation of a coherent, comprehensive, and cutting-edge program. Posters are reviewed and organized under the direction of the Poster Chair.
- Education Abroad Knowledge Community Representative: Eduardo Contreras, University of Portland
- International Education Leadership Knowledge Community Representative: Rick Lee, Cornell University
- International Enrollment Management Knowledge Community Representative: Salma Benhaida, Kent State University
- International Student and Scholar Services Knowledge Community Representative: Tina Rousselot de Saint Ceran, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community Representative: Ling LeBeau, Syracuse University
Eduardo Contreras, EdD

Rick Lee, PhD

Salma Benhaida, MA

Tina Rousselot de Saint Céran, MBA

Ling LeBeau, PhD