1. Your own individual stories about how international education makes a positive impact on your campus, district, and state. NOTE: If applicable, reference impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on your campus/community, and precautions/preparations your institution is taking, but the focus of the meeting will be on discussing the needs of international students in the U.S., the importance of expanding/diversifying study abroad, and our specific 'asks' as described in the meeting road map talking points.
These stories serve to personalize our issue, to paint a picture that will help congressional staffers connect with our messages.
Consider these prompts and resources to help you identify and develop your stories:
- Do you know an international student or scholar who...
- started a business and/or created U.S. jobs
- brings academic and cultural value to your institutionoadvances research
- improves your local communityoor another success story!
- Thinking about study abroad:
- Study abroad helps my students thrive in their studies and careers...
- Let me tell you the success story of one student who studied abroad from our institution...
- More students should have this opportunity because...
- The challenges my students currently face are...
We would love to see your stories in advance. Please submit them here by COB Thursday, March 12.
2. Comfortable shoes for walking around Capitol Hill and traveling by Metro (subway; we will provide you with a fare card onsite.)
3. Business cards.
4. Business casual clothes for Monday and business attire for Tuesday’s Hill visits. You may also want a sweater for possibly chilly meeting rooms.
5. A small umbrella and a coat for unpredictable March weather.
6. Hand sanitizer (optional; to supplement what will be provided at the hotel and on Capitol Hill).
Please do not bring any gifts or supplemental materials for your congressional meetings. We are currently scheduling all of your meetings and have intensely vetted all of the materials to provide to Congress. For us to have the strongest possible impact on Capitol Hill, NAFSA advocates must speak with one voice on the issues. Also, gift rules are very strict on the Hill and you do not want to put the congressional staffer or member of Congress in an awkward position of having to refuse a gift or other item.