Chair Elect Position
The Chair-Elect plays an extremely critical role in the planning of the regional conference. As the main point of contact for all regional conference questions, the chair-elect begins their conference responsibilities by overseeing the review and approval of the sessions that will be held at the conference. The Chair-Elect works closely with the Region VIII Conference Planning Coordinator to identify the proper rooms in which to assign each session during the conference.
The Chair-Elect also works closely with the Chair Stream and the Region VIII team to manage the annual operations of the region, including, but not limited to the bi-annual newsletter, the website, travel grants, awards, NAFSA Academy, filling vacant positions, and outreach to the membership.
Any voting member of NAFSA from within the Region shall be eligible for election or appointment to the Regional Team, except that the Chair-Elect-Elect shall have served at least two years on a Regional Team prior to taking office. Nominations may come from any NAFSA member and will be sought in the August newsletter. Nominations will be considered by the current chair stream members with additional recommendations from Past Chairs.
Election shall be by online ballot through the regional website that requires an active NAFSA member number. Ballots are posted as elections arise.
Check back near the end of the calendar year to vote on your next Chair-Elect!