Region XII Southern Team
LaSharon McLean Perez

Kathy Guillen Quispe

Chrystal Orozco

Jing Liu
Brooke O'Brien

Bonnie Villegas

Dr. Tim Honadel

Jenny Hanner

Catherine Shock

Mia Ellsberry
District Team Position Descriptions
Chair: The Chairperson shall conduct the business of the District, as well as be responsible for organizing annual programs and meetings. The Chairperson shall represent the District at Region XII Team meetings and conferences. The Chairperson shall serve as Past-Chair for one year following completion of term as Chairperson. (Term Length: 1 year)
Chair-Elect: The Chairperson-elect shall attend meetings one year before taking office in order to become familiar with the duties associated with serving as state Chairperson. The Chairperson-elect will also assist the current Chairperson with appropriate duties, as determined by the Chair and the District Team. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Chairperson-elect shall serve as Chairperson. (Term Length: 1 year)
Past Chair: The Past Chair shall attend meetings one year after taking office in order to assist with the transition of leadership and to pass along District information and resources to the Chair and Chair-Elect. The Past Chair will assist the current Chairperson with appropriate duties, as determined by the Chair and the District Team. (Term Length: 1 year)
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain the records of the District, shall provide a report of the financial status of the District at annual meetings and disburse funds with the approval of the Chairperson. (Term Length: 2 years)
Registrar: The Registrar shall serve as the registrar for all state meetings and conferences, as well as assist the Chairperson with the organization and coordination of annual programs and events. (Term Length: 2 years)
Communications Coordinator: The Communications Coordinator shall serve as the web master, responsible for updating content on the NAFSA Region XII Southern California District web pages and compiling and sending quarterly Southern California District newsletters. Works with the Registrar to maintain the district membership list. (Term Length: 2 years)
Community College Representative: Shall represent community college issues, updates, challenges, and successes within the larger District membership. (Term Length: 2 years)
Education Abroad Representative: Shall represent to the District issues, updates, challenges, and successes of study and work abroad. (Term Length: 2 years)
Event Coordinator: Shall support the Chairperson with coordinating logistics for District programs and meetings, including reservations and communication with vendors. The Event Coordinator works with the Communications Coordinator to publicize annual programs to District members. (Term Length: 2 years)
Intensive English Programs Representative: Shall represent to the District issues, updates, challenges, and successes of intensive English programs. (Term Length: 2 years)
International Scholar Representative: Shall represent to the District issues, updates, challenges, and successes of international scholar advising and campus or community-based international education programming. (Term Length: 2 years)
International Student Representative: Shall represent to the District issues, updates, challenges, and successes of international student advising and campus or community-based international education programming. (Term Length: 2 years)
International Enrollment Management Representative: Shall represent to the District the needs of professionals working in admissions, recruitment, enrollment management, marketing, credential evaluation, sponsored program agencies, and overseas advising. (Term Length: 2 years)
K-12 Schools Representative: Shall represent K-12 school issues, updates, challenges, and successes within the larger District membership. (Term Length: 2 years)