Call for Submissions
GSLR2025: Revisiting Place in International Education
Review the Call for Submissions
Submission deadline for ideas: September 6, 2024

International education professionals have growing interest and need for specialized knowledge, research, and synthesis of emerging perspectives in a wide range of disciplines and fields. The Global Studies Literature Review (GSLR) is a peer-reviewed publication of thought leadership furthering conversations around the NAFSA annual conference theme since 2023. Each issue focuses on a timely topic of interest with feature essays and book reviews written by a wide variety of voices—faculty members, graduate students, independent researchers, and international education professionals—synthesizing key information for international educators on ongoing relevant scholarly conversations with the intent to foster dialogues, offer a forum for the expansion of diverse voices, and inform the field regarding current worthwhile publications.
Led by the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC) since 2010, the publication process for GSLR may also be used as a mentoring and professional development opportunity for students and early career scholar-practitioners interested in learning more about publication processes and how to actively contribute to important conversations in the field of international education. Available issues of GSLR may be utilized as reference materials, in curricula, and in conversations on specific topics.