
Meredith Bell
Five international educators talk about the three IE Competencies that they use most in their work.
Fanta Aw, PhD
In a year when billions of people across the world will exercise their right to vote for a better world, you too have a voice.
Elizabeth Hendley
A global education journey led to decades of fighting for the human rights of all citizens of the world.
Meredith Bell
This year, International Educator is bringing back a familiar favorite—our Take 5 column—but with a fresh approach. Each month, we pose a thought-provoking prompt to five members of the NAFSA community. These international educators, who represent a diverse range of voices and perspectives, respond
Elizabeth Hendley
Why business skills matter for all international educators.
Meredith Bell
This year, International Educator is bringing back a familiar favorite—our Take 5 column—but with a fresh approach. Each month, we pose a thought-provoking prompt to five members of the NAFSA community. These international educators, who represent a diverse range of voices and perspectives, respond
Fanta Aw, PhD
Amid a chaotic world, we must renew our commitment to the values and promise of international education.
Stacye Fraser Thompson
International educators are uniquely positioned to address the world’s greatest challenges.
Kim Priebe
Why risk assessment and crisis management are a critical competency now and in NAFSA’s next chapter.
Tyler Morkin, MA
The people and places along the way shape our path forward.