
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa shares the challenges he experienced in his journey from undocumented immigrant to renowned brain surgeon.
Three universities created a business program on three continents for undergraduate business students.
Dana Wilkie
Canadian researchers collaborate with scholars outside their borders at more than twice the world average. Collaborating with U.S. institutions and researchers, often seamless due to a common language and having similar higher education practices, is on the rise.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon reflects on her belief that universities should prepare students for a global knowledge economy and expect faculty to be globally engaged.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Higher education institutions in the United States are increasingly using the language of “global citizenship” to describe the skills and habits they seek to cultivate in their students.
David Tobenkin
Higher education in Iraq suffered in the aftermath of U.S. military action, but U.S. colleges and universities are building partnerships to help rebuild higher education opportunities for Iraqis.
U.S. universities are infusing global awareness by internationalizing general education requirements.
David Tobenkin
University of Gondar President Desalegne Mengesha Degefaw shares his perspective on the challenges of expanding and improving the African higher education sector.