Education abroad has long been seen as a valuable résumé enhancer for students, but they often face challenges in articulating exactly how their experience has prepared them to function effectively in a global business environment.
David Tobenkin
Mexican and U.S. scholars are working collaboratively to solve problems on both sides of the border.
Dana Wilkie
Students are learning about multiple routes to building a more peaceful world.
Improving predeparture health disclosures can help students with pre-existing conditions, learning disabilities, and mobility challenges plan for their health care needs and thrive off campus.
Glenn Cook
Students and faculty take performing global as study abroad programs focused on drama show audiences how to view history in a new light, learn about social justice issues more deeply, heal wounds from genocide in Rwanda, and heal from apartheid in South Africa.
An interview with Chris R. Glass, recipient of the 2016 Innovative Research in International Education Award from NAFSA’s Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community.
Dana Wilkie
Assessment can help institutions determine if their efforts to help integrate international students into the campus community are proving successful.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Stuart Anderson
A review of legislative activity on immigration from 2006 through 2012 illustrates why, despite the challenges, a larger, comprehensive reform bill, such as the Gang of Eight (S. 744) bill, remains the best approach to reforming U.S. immigration law.
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa shares the challenges he experienced in his journey from undocumented immigrant to renowned brain surgeon.